February 26, 2008

Chris McCandless and the New Wanderers

If you haven't read the book or seen the movie about Chris McCandless, here is his story in a nutshell. McCandless was young man who rejected society and decided to live a wandering life. He travelled up and down North America eventually drawn north to Alaska. He hitchhiked to Denali Park and after being dropped off on a dead-end road off the highway, set off into the wilderness alone.

Several days hike in Chris found an old abandoned bus and used it as shelter. He survived for several weeks but not being prepared for the conditions of the north and improperly equipped, he starved to death. His body was found by moose hunters weeks later along with a diary and his remaining belongings.

His story has inspired young people across the world to make the pilgrimage to his bus in Alaska. He has become a symbol of disenchanted youth and freedom. Here is a story about these new wanderers who are following in Chris's footsteps.

Here is a picture of Chris McCandless shortly before he died in front of the bus in Denali Park. This photo was found in his camera found on the bus.

These pictures are tourists at the bus site.

1 comment:

padaajoshi said...

Into the wild the best durn book Jon Krakauer will ever write.