November 27, 2007

The Cat Woman

Jocelyne Wildenstein grew up in a middle class family in Lausanne, where she became a skilled hunter and pilot. Because of these skills, she was invited for a shooting weekend at the 66,000 acre private Kenyan game reserve of billionaire international art dealer Alec Wildenstein, son of Daniel Wildenstein, the owner of Wildenstein and Company, one of the world's largest and most successful art conglomerates . The two were married.

After many years of marriage, Jocelyn's husband Alec allegedly began an affair. At fifty years old, Jocelyn began undergoing a series of plastic surgeries. Some have claimed that the initial surgeries were a success, but that when Alec again began engaging in affairs, Jocelyne decided to attempt to transform herself to resemble one of the giant cats beloved by her husband.

Jocelyn - Before

Jocelyn - After

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